Fairfax County Grievance Procedure
The purpose of the grievance procedure is to provide a fair and impartial process where employees may voice complaints concerning issues related to their employment with the County. The objective is to improve employee-management relations through a prompt and fair method or resolving problems. This Grievance Reference chart illustrates the steps of the grievnace process before an employee files a Petition on Appeal. The Department of Human Resources can provide assistances as well. Once an employee has completed the steps in the grienvance process, and the County Executive has ruled the complaint is grievable, then the employee files a petition on Appeal (POA) with the Civil Service Commission. Upon receipt of the POS, this Reference chart shows the process from the pre-hearing conference up to the hearing.
All Merit employees who have completed thier initial probationary period are covered by the grievance procdeure. The county's grievance is outlined in Chapter 17 of The Personnel Regulations.