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Group 5

Department of Planning & Development, Department of Economic Initiatives, Department of Clerk Services, Department of Code Compliance, Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Cable and Consumer Services, Office of Human Rights and Equity Programs, Department of Transportation, Civil Service Commission, Neighborhood Community Services

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Norm Hall

Group 5 Council Member
EAC Chair

My name is Norm Hall, and I am happy to serve as the Group 5 EAC Representative.  

I have worked throughout Fairfax County during many years as an employee of Fairfax County Public Schools. For Fairfax County, I have served as an Election Official, Chief and spent several years as a School Aged Childcare Center (SACC) Teacher 1, progressing from non-merit to merit status. Changes brought on by the pandemic led me to my current position within the Department of Transportation as an Admin Assistant in the Transit Services Division.  This is my second go round in Transit, which first started in Chicago in 1984.

I am interested in hearing from employees in each of the 10 units of Group 5: about concerns and suggestions for how we can make and keep the promise of County employment excellence a reality, while serving the needs of our families and our communities. 

Previously, I have served on the board of the Fairfax County Special Education PTA and been an advocate for services for students with disabilities. I intend to draw on that experience to make sure that I hear what is and is not being said during conversations about how to establish and promote workplaces that honor employee dignity. 

Let’s respect the many cultures and abilities that make Fairfax County’s diversity a strength.  I believe in collaboration, not confrontation, equity and inclusion, and promotion of activities that build community, reflecting the goals of the workers in Group 5.


I want to hear from you.


Norman Hall



Phone: 703.324.1233

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