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Election to fill EAC Vacancies
The EAC is holding an election to fill the vacancies in Groups 4, 10, and 11. Representatives for the EAC serve a three-year term, which begins on July 1, 2023. Only merit employees (not exempt) in the following groups may nominate and vote in this election.
Links to the Nomination Memos and Petitions for each seat are below.
Groups 4 and 11 deadlines are extended to Wednesday, May 10, at 4:30 pm.
Group 10 deadline is Monday, May 15, at 4:30 pm.
For more information, contact Nina Bryant, 703-324-2779.
Group 4 Nomination Memos Group 4 Nomination Petitions
Group 4 includes the following agencies: Park Authority; Department of Vehicle Services; Department of Procurement and Material Management; McLean Community Center and Reston Community Center
Group 11 Nomination Memos Group 11 Nomination Petitions
Group 11 includes the following agencies: Public Safety Civilians from Police, Sheriff, Fire and Rescue, Department of Emergency Management and Security, Department of Public Safety Communications and Animal Sheltering.
Group 10 Nomination Memos Group 10 Nomination Petitions
Group 10 represents the Community Services Board
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