Nominations are now being accepted by the Employees Advisory Council for the 2023 Don Smith Award
The award was established by the Employees Advisory Council in 1991 and named for Donald D. Smith, who retired from the former Office of Comprehensive Planning in 1990 after serving as an EAC member for 16 years.
The Don Smith award is not a job performance award but recognizes the winners for their outstanding dedication and contributions to their fellow employees outside of their normal duties. Award recipients receive a cash award of up to a $1,000 award and an engraved plaque. Up to three
employees can receive this award each year. The nomination period is from Monday, October 30, 2023 through 4:30PM Friday, December 1, 2023.
Nomination forms are available here or from EAC representatives, payroll contacts, or the Department of Human Resources.
Please contact HR Awards Manager, Marlene Shifter at 703-324-8795 or for more information.
The completed forms should be submitted to:
The Employee Advisory Council, Don Smith Award,
c/o Department of Human Resources,
12000 Government Center Pkwy, Suite 270,
Fairfax, VA 22035-0039